How To Generate Organic Traffic With Pinterest - Helpful Tiger

How To Get Free Organic Traffic Using Pinterest

The first major problem that everyone will run into when they are either starting a new website or business online is getting traffic. It’s a huge roadblock that will prevent you from earning money, especially in the early stages.

And let’s be clear, making money is the primary goal when starting any new project like this.

Of all the organic methods that I’ve tried for obtaining traffic that is almost without fail (depending on your niche) Pinterest seems to be the clear winner.

I’ve made multiple accounts to promote new projects that I start and each one ends up growing and driving traffic that I would have had no way of getting otherwise.

And why is Pinterest so much better than all of the other social media websites or methods for driving traffic?

Well, it’s quite simply because it is a visual search engine. And a popular one at that.

Understanding Pinterest as a Visual Search Engine

Before getting into strategies, remember that Pinterest isn’t simply a social media platform; it’s a potent visual search engine. People come to Pinterest looking for inspiration, ideas, and solutions across various interests.

Therefore, your content needs to be searchable, relevant, and visually appealing.

Key Steps to Drive Organic Traffic With Pinterest

  1. Optimize Your Pinterest Profile
    • Business Account: Convert your account to a business account. This unlocks analytics and other vital features like Rich Pins.
    • Clear Branding: Ensure your profile picture and name align with your blog’s branding for consistency.
    • SEO-Rich Profile: Write a keyword-rich profile description indicating what your blog offers and who it serves.
  2. Create High-Quality, Pinnable Images
    • Vertical Orientation: Tall, vertical images (ideally 2:3 aspect ratio) dominate Pinterest feeds and capture more attention.
    • Appealing Graphics: Use clear, bright images relevant to your blog content. Free tools like Canva offer fantastic templates and layouts.
    • Text Overlays: Include a compelling title and brief description of your blog post’s topic on the image itself. Keep fonts bold and readable.
    • Branding: Consider adding your logo or website URL subtly to aid recognizability.
  3. Master Keyword Optimization
    • Pinterest Search: Use the Pinterest search bar to understand trending keywords and search phrases in your niche.
    • Keyword Placement: Include your target keywords in:
      • Pin titles
      • Pin descriptions
      • Board titles
      • Board descriptions
    • Hashtags: Use a few (2-5) relevant hashtags at the end of your pin descriptions for added discoverability.
  4. Strategic Board Creation
    • Niche & Sub-Niche Boards: Create specific boards aligned with your blog categories and sub-categories.
    • Optimize Board Names & Descriptions: Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions that clearly describe the board’s content.
  5. Pin Consistently and Strategically
    • Frequency: Aim for consistent pinning throughout the day. Scheduling tools like Tailwind can automate this process.
    • Fresh vs. Repinning: Repin other relevant content, but prioritize creating fresh pins of your own blog posts.
    • Best Times: Experiment and utilize Pinterest analytics to pinpoint peak engagement times for your audience.
  6. Engage and Build Community
    • Repin from Others: Interacting with other niche content builds goodwill and reciprocity.
    • Join Group Boards: Collaborating on relevant, well-managed group boards expands your reach.
    • Reply to Comments: Build rapport with those who engage with your pins. Answering questions and being responsive encourages further interaction.
  7. Rich Pins
    • Enable Rich Pins: Validate your website with Pinterest to activate Rich Pins. These automatically pull metadata like post titles and summaries, adding valuable information for pinners.
  8. Use Pinterest Ads (Optional)
    • Promote Pins: Paid campaigns can boost visibility and amplify your organic efforts, especially for new blog content. Target appropriate demographics and interests.

Additional Pinterest Tips:

  • Idea Pins: Experiment with Pinterest’s new video-forward format to share tutorials, inspiration, and quick tips related to your content.
  • Tailwind Communities: Find targeted communities in your niche within Tailwind (if you use it) and share your pins to increase exposure.
  • Focus on Value: Provide real solutions and engaging content. Avoid overly self-promotional posts.


Driving organic traffic takes time and consistent effort.

Stay up to date with trends and algorithm changes, analyze your Pinterest analytics, and continuously adjust your strategy.

Further Reading

For more information on getting started in print on demand, check out some of my other relevant blog posts:

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