best robot vacuum for pet hair and hardwood floors

The Best Robot Vacuum For Pet Hair And Hardwood Floors

Let’s face it – we love our pets, but their hair gets EVERYWHERE.

Keeping your house fur-free is a struggle that most pet owners are familiar with. And especially if you have hardwood floors, sweeping just won’t do the job.

That’s where robot vacuums come in.

These cleaners provide a simple and lightweight method for easy cleaning and removal of pet hair from hardwood floors. And the best part? Unlike traditional vacuums, they come fully automated and can be set to run on a schedule – saving you a lot of time and energy.

Because of their growing popularity, it’s no surprise that the market is bursting with lots of different robot vacuums.

Choosing the right one may seem like a never-ending task, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Here are our top picks of the best robot vacuums available today, as well as a few quick pointers to help you find the right fit for you and your home.

Our Updated Top Pick – The Best Robot Vacuum For Pet Hair And Hardwood Floors

Roborock S8 Pro Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop

best robot vacuum for pet hair

After careful research and consideration, I’ve updated my recommendation for the best robot vacuum for pet hair and hardwood floors.

Drumroll, please…it’s the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra. I know the Roborock S7 was my previous choice, and it’s still a solid option. But if you’re looking for the pinnacle of robot vacuum technology and are serious about keeping your hardwood floors free from pet hair, then let me tell you, the S8 Pro Ultra is worth every penny.

Why the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra Is the Best Choice:

  1. Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo: This is a game-changer. The S8 Pro Ultra not only vacuums but also mops and washes. And get this—it’s self-drying!
  2. Incredibly Powerful Suction: With a 6000Pa suction, this model doesn’t mess around. It pulls in pet hair like a pro, ensuring your hardwood floors are immaculate.
  3. AI Obstacle Avoidance: The ReactiveAI 3D Obstacle Avoidance is mind-blowingly effective. If your pet has an “accident,” the vacuum can detect and avoid it—no more horror stories of robot vacuums smearing messes around the house.
  4. Smart Control: You can operate this gem through an app and it even works with Alexa.
  5. Self-Everything: Self-emptying, self-refilling, and self-cleaning. If it got any more self-sufficient, it would make you breakfast.

Worth the Investment

Listen, I get it. The Roborock S8 Pro Ultra is expensive. But here’s the thing: good cleaning technology is an investment, not an expense. If you’re serious about keeping your hardwood floors and living spaces free from pet hair, this is your machine.

For those on a tighter budget, the Roborock S7 remains a fantastic option. Also, I’ve got another recommendation coming up below this that is an even more budget conscious option that handles pet hair spectacularly.

I still think that if you can swing it, do yourself a favor and opt for the S8 Pro Ultra. It’s the Rolls-Royce of robot vacuums, and it delivers on its promises.

Comparing the different models from Roborock

You can compare the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra with other models here.

Our Updated Top Pick – Best Budget Robot Vacuum For Pet Hair And Hardwood Floors

iRobot Roomba j7+

best budget robot vacuum for pet hair

For those of you who balked at the price tag of the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra, don’t worry; I’ve got you covered.

My top pick for the best budget-friendly robot vacuum for pet hair is the iRobot Roomba j7+. It may not have quite the same cleaning power of the S8 Pro Ultra, but it’s got plenty to brag about and comes in at nearly half the price.

Why the iRobot Roomba j7+ Deserves Your Attention:

  1. PrecisionVision Navigation: One of its standout features is its ability to identify and avoid obstacles like pet waste and charging cords, ensuring a mess-free cleaning experience.
  2. Automatic Dirt Disposal: No need to worry about emptying the robot frequently. It empties into an enclosed bag, so say goodbye to dust clouds.
  3. On-the-Spot Cleaning: Notice a spill? Simply command your Roomba j7+ through the iRobot Home App or a voice assistant to tackle the mess immediately.
  4. Powerful Suction and Brushes: With 10x Power Lifting Suction and Dual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes, this little guy is a champ at picking up pet hair.
  5. Smart Recharge & Resume: It calculates just how much charge it needs to complete its cleaning job, saving you time and ensuring efficient use of energy.
  6. Geolocation Perks: It knows when you’re not home and uses that time to clean, so you come back to a sparkling house.
  7. Dirt Detect: This feature focuses on dirtier spots in your home, making sure no area is neglected.

Great Performance Without Breaking the Bank

Reddit users are all about the Roomba j7+ for pet hair, and honestly, who can blame them? Its performance and price make it an outstanding value, particularly for those who can’t stretch their budget to accommodate the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra.

Comparing the different models from iRobot

You can take a gander at all of the models that iRobot provides on there comparison page here.

Buyer’s Guide: Important Factors To Consider When Choosing A Robot Vacuum

The flooring of your house

The kind of flooring you have is always the first thing to consider.

For instance, hardwood floors generally require a vacuum with a built in mop feature to keep it spotless. Carpeted floors, on the other hand, need a deep cleaning robot with a better filtration system.

Battery Life

The larger the space, the longer the battery life needed to complete a thorough clean.

Some robot vacuums even come with a smart “recharge and resume” feature that allows it to automatically recharge when it’s low on battery. Upon reaching a decent percentage, it resumes back to the exact location where it stopped cleaning.

Automation features

After all, the purpose of a vacuum is to make cleaning totally hands-free.

A good robot vacuum should have features that include schedule cleaning and virtual mapping, so you can leave it on while you’re at work and come home to a clean, fur-free house.

All-in-one cleaning

Here’s the deal – you’re not just looking for a vacuum; you’re looking for a multi-purpose cleaner.

This means the unit you choose has to be a combination of both a vacuum and a mop, especially if you’re dealing with hardwood floors.


Robot vacuums are expensive; so it’s important to choose one that will last for years.

Typically, a durable robot vacuum consists of a hard plastic shell that can withstand the occasional bumping into furniture. The brushes should also be made of rubber, so that it’s tough enough to lift away larger debris.

Efficient filtration system

Keeping the air clean is part of a robot vacuum’s job.

Ensure that the unit you choose is equipped with an efficient HEPA filter that’s both washable and versatile enough to filter out not just pet hair but all kinds of allergens for better air quality.

Self-disposal system

An automatic disposal feature will cost more, but the convenience it gives is definitely worth it.

A robot vacuum that is able to clean up after itself will save you a lot of time and energy – so you can get a thorough clean without ever getting your hands dirty.

Frequently Asked Questions About Robot Vacuums (FAQs)

Which brand of robot vacuum is the best?

Different brands have positives and negatives about them but at risk of sounding like a fanboy, we do think the Roborock’s are very solid, and they are our top choice for cleaning hardwood and pet hair, as you can see above.

Are robot vacuums really worth it?

This purely comes down to personal preference. Do you hate vacuuming? Do you want something that automates this process and keeps your floors clean without much intervention on your part? Are you willing to pay for that? If you answered yes to most of these questions, then I would say, yes robot vacuums are worth it

Are self-emptying robot vacuums worth it?

Again, this is personal preference and depends on your lifestyle. If you travel or are away from the house often, then yes getting a robot vacuum with self emptying as a feature will most likely be worth it for you and benefit you.

Is there a vacuum better than Roomba?

Short answer, yes. Each brand has different models at varying price points, but if you want an example of a model that is better than a Roomba, take a look at our top pick from this post. Roombas are great as well, however, and are our budget pick.

Should you run your robot vacuum every day?

I’m going to answer this question with the factors in this post in mind. If you have pets and are trying to keep your place clean from that then yes, you would benefit from running it every day. Usually, you can schedule the vacuum to do so as well.

What is a good height for a robot vacuum?

Choose low-profile robot vacuums that can reach under furniture.
Generally, a good height is anywhere between 3 to 3.5 inches. Anything higher than 4 inches has a tendency to get stuck underneath the bed, dresser, couch or other low-lying areas of the house.

Do robot vacuums last long?

If you get a higher end model, they will last longer, and from a model such as our top pick, you can expect it to last 5+ years. Lesser models will most likely not last as long.

What shape is the best for thorough cleaning?

D-shaped robot vacuums are best overall because they can reach into 90-degree corners where dust tends to pile up and other hard to reach areas around the house. Circular ones can also be great depending on the layout underneath.

And that should about cover things! If you have any questions, feel free to comment them below and I’ll get back to you as best that I can! Be sure to check out some of our other guides and share this post on the socials if it helped you out at all!

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